Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lost Planet 2 Versus Available to the Public

The Lost Planet 2 versus demo is available today to the public on Xbox LIVE and will be available tomorrow on PlayStation Network. Downloading the Lost Planet 2 demo also benefits the world with Capcom’s “Kill Big for Charity” program. Capcom is partnering with Music for Relief, a non-profit organization dedicated to disaster relief and disaster risk mitigation, to contribute $20,000 to charity if one million demos are downloaded across both XBL and PSN before May 5, 2010. An additional $5,000 will be added to the pot if an extra 500,000 demos can be achieved. The specific cause to receive the donation will be determined by a celebrity tournament on May 6 in Los Angeles. The winning team of that tournament will choose which Music for Relief program will receive the funds.

source from


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